
Thursday, September 27, 2018

BISP Story Board

Here's my storyboard showing a series of scenes from our novel.

Boy in the striped pyjamas

Bruno and Shmuel on Biteable.
This is my Biteable about my understanding of the boy in the striped pajamas.

Monday, September 24, 2018

War Poems

This the poster that I made for literacy. This is based on the Holocaust because we are reading the boy in the striped pajamas. I learned that poems don't have to rhyme and that there are so many different poems out there. I think that it is good to read about the holocaust because we need to learn about the past and what happened.

Tuesday, September 18, 2018

sport statistical investagation

This term our maths class were doing a statistical investigation and we had to come up with our own. My group decided to do a sport statistical investigation. I asked Toroa and Korimako what sport they play and what sport they don't play but want to try out. The results showed that people play netball and basketball but would like to try out touch. I learnt how to do a statistical investigation and how to do a graph on a computer.